Coaching with Renee

Have you ever heard the advice “exercise more and eat less” to lose weight?

The idea sounds logical. But this simplistic advise generates more questions than it answers.

For example…

Exercise more than WHAT? What type of exercise should you do more of? More cardio or more strength training or both and should you do them in the same day and should you do it every day?

Eat less than WHAT? What if you are already not eating much? What KIND of food is best for weight loss? What about keto? What about low fat/high carb? Does organic matter?

The questions go on and on and there is no end to the number of “experts” who will gladly give you their OPINION on the answers and back it all up with their “science” to prove their way is THE RIGHT way.

But is it the “right way” for you?

There is obviously so much more to managing and maintaining health than exercising more and eating less.

Health is more than just a “one size fits all” diet and exercise plan.

It requires a CUSTOMIZED and wholistic approach to your health and wellbeing.

I think of it like a puzzle with lots of pieces that ALL need to fit together…

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Most people focus on a small part of the health puzzle, such as nutrition and movement. But health encompasses so much more than just that. What you eat and how much you move are only a small part of the whole health puzzle.

If you haven’t had the success you’re looking for and you are ready to commit to doing what it takes to heal yourself physically and emotionally, this coaching program will put all the pieces of the puzzle together to create a happy, vibrant, and healthy YOU!

Ready to get started?

Coaching is a very intimate process. It’s important we both feel comfortable working together. I’m sure you have questions and I want to get an idea of what you are looking for and where you are on your health journey. I want to make sure my coaching program will meet your needs and expectations.

I invite you to schedule a time so that we can chat and make sure we’re both right for each other.

What makes working with me different?

I bring my 30+ years of experience (along with many degrees and certifications) to our coaching sessions. I have all the knowledge and tools needed to help you figure out what is holding you back from attaining the long term health and happiness results you desire.

To help you achieve the results you’ve never been able to get, I use a unique system that makes all the difference. I combine coaching with an energy healing software system that enables us to assess the physical and emotional issues limiting your health success and then balance and clear what’s holding you back. It’s called the Life System. Using the Life System along with my Coaching is an absolute GAME CHANGER!!!!

If you’ve tried other emotional and/or physical clearing techniques and are still not finding the deep shifts you know you want and need for long term healing, you owe it to yourself to experience the power of this complete system.

Join me for Coaching!

Let’s schedule a time to chat about your goals and see if this coaching program is the right fit for you.